SA Fireside
Fireside chat with SA Old-timers helpful for newcomers (useful for everyone!) Long term sober members of Sexaholics Anonymous sit down with me for a chat, telling their stories, and sharing experience, strength and hope on a variety of topics.
37 episodes
SA Fireside Chat With Amjed B
I was grateful for the opportunity to sit down with Amjed and talk recovery! I Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Season 3
Episode 2

SA Fireside Chat With Brendan T
We are back finally with a new episode - sitting down with Brendan T From Ireland!
Season 3
Episode 1

SA Fireside Chat With Vincent
Vincent is sober in SA since November 5th of 1999. The chat was honest and raw and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Vincent, I am sure that you will too!
Season 2
Episode 15

SA Fireside Chat With Tom K
I have had the pleasure of being in quite a few service meetings with Tom K who is a service dynamo! Hearing his story was inspiring. I have no doubt everyone will gain something from today's episode! Enjoy.
Season 2
Episode 14

SA Fireside Chat With David D
David D is now in his 21st year of sobriety. This was a great chat that i really enjoyed. This is the second of the talks from last year, I hope to do a few more over the next few weeks to finish this season with my anticipated 20 episode...
Season 2
Episode 13

SA Fireside Chat With Yvon
After a hiatus I am going to upload a couple of chats i had last year - this first one with Yvon was just amazing - it was such a gift to meet and sit with him. I am certain you will enjoy it as much as I did.Yvon came to his first meet...
Season 2
Episode 12

SA Fireside Chat with Tony R
Tony R is sober since May 8th 1993. Coming from the Milwaukee area, Tony has served in all levels of the service structure, including on the GDA for several years.Tony sponsors many in the program from newcomers to 'old tim...
Season 2
Episode 11

SA Fireside Chat with Shirley
Shirley is sober in SA since July 4th 1995 and lives in the California area.Shirley is active in her home group and has served at all levels of the service structure including as chair of the GDA.Shirley actively sponsors and at...
Season 2
Episode 10

SA Fireside Chat with Jim D
Jim D is sober since September 15th 1990. Jim was born and raised in the Chicago area. Jim was involved in among other things the creation of the Step into Action literature and has been an active member of SA since jo...
Season 2
Episode 9

SA Fireside Chat with Ed W
Ed W is sober since the first of January 1991. Ed lives in rural Kentucky.Ed has been to an international convention at least once or twice yearly since 1999 until Covid hit.In his own words "there's nothing like being in a room...
Season 2
Episode 8

SA Fireside Chat with Claire
Claire is sober since her first meeting on July 3rd 2002. Joining a fledgling fellowship in Jerusalem she has watched it grow over the past 20 years. Claire has served in all service positions in the fellowship locally...
Season 2
Episode 7

SA Fireside Chat with Tom M
Tom M is sober since April 15th 1987. In his own words "I tried to stop myself and couldn’t." Tom is an active member in Rochester NY fellowship and spends his life in meditation and service.
Season 2
Episode 6

SA Fireside Chat with Hanoch T
Hanoch T is sober in SA since November 27th 1992. A part of the early groups in New York, Hanoch came into the rooms via AA.He is still active in meetings and sponsoring many and in his own words "Takes the First Step Daily...
Season 2
Episode 5

SA Fireside Chat with Mike K
Mike K From Glendale, Oregon is Sober since November 11th 1996His journey with 12 step recovery began in Al-anon in 1976 After a twelve step call with Roy K he Started a local SA meeting in his house in 1987, which then mov...
Season 2
Episode 4

SA Fireside Chat with Jeff D
Jeff D is a grateful recovering Sexaholic sober since September the first 1996 which also happens to be his marriage anniversary. Jeff has been very involved in his home groups throughout the years. Nicknamed Karate Je...
Season 2
Episode 3

SA Fireside Chat with Michael D
Michael D is 79 years old. He joined AA in 1978, escaping Chicago alive, but didn't get sober until 1989. At 10 years sober from alcohol his AA sponsor sent him to SA. He has done a lot service work, serving as a Trustee among othe...
Season 2
Episode 2

SA Fireside Chat with Michael J
Michael J., is a grateful member of Sexaholics Anonymous with 20 years of sobriety, and lives in Tyler, Texas. His service work stretches from being a member of the Board of Trustees all the way up to group level. Ret...
Season 2
Episode 1

SA Fireside Chat with Hans D.
Hans D lives with his wife in New Mexico. Originally from California Hans got sober on September 3rd 1993.Raised as an Army kid traveling around the world his family settled in California while still young age and his story...
Season 1
Episode 20

SA Fireside Chat with Terry M.
Terry M is sober since joining SA on March 14 1986. Terry now lives in N. Carolina but got sober in LA.Terry's story takes us from Vietnam to MIT and many many meetings with Roy K the founder of SA.Terry has some am...
Season 1
Episode 19

SA Fireside Chat with Dave T.
Dave T is sober since the 23rd of November 1990. Dave "The Stringman" has traveled to over 50 countries bringing his unique brand of sexual recovery to workshops and groups worldwide.He has also served at all levels of the ...
Season 1
Episode 18

SA Fireside Chat with Steve S.
Steve S is sober since joining SA in 1991 at the age of 43.Thanks to recovery he subsequently went back to school, and has since been heavily involved in trauma recovery work. He is married for over 50 years.He has ...
Season 1
Episode 17

SA Fireside Chat with William
William is 73 years old. He currently has been a member of the SA fellowship for 28 years. His sobriety date is June 12th, 1993. His wife is very supportive of his program. She once said, “William h...
Season 1
Episode 16

SA Fireside Chat with Noach S.
Noach S is sober since the 16th of January 1989.When he first joined SA the meeting in Manhattan had only three people in it. SA now has hundreds of members in the New York area.In Noach's own words SA has literally saved his li...
Season 1
Episode 15