SA Fireside
Fireside chat with SA Old-timers helpful for newcomers (useful for everyone!) Long term sober members of Sexaholics Anonymous sit down with me for a chat, telling their stories, and sharing experience, strength and hope on a variety of topics.
SA Fireside
SA Fireside Chat with Michael D
December 16, 2021
Daniel T
Season 2
Episode 2
Michael D is 79 years old. He joined AA in 1978, escaping Chicago alive, but didn't get sober until 1989. At 10 years sober from alcohol his AA sponsor sent him to SA.
He has done a lot service work, serving as a Trustee among other positions. He is still and always will be an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Today he visits jails working with addicts and spends much of his time working with newcomers.